Rebecca Heiss
CEO/Founder Icueity
141 Hunter Rd.
Simpsonville, SC 29681
United States
141 Hunter Rd.
Simpsonville, SC 29681
United States
After earning her PhD with research designated as “transformative” by the National Science Foundation, Dr. Rebecca Heiss went on to hold multiple appointments in academia, applying her research to solve practical problems in overcoming what she refers to as “biological ghosts” - subconscious behaviors that haunt modern life. She founded a stress hormone consultation company, Biologic Balance, and is currently launching a new self-awareness, 360-review app, called Icueity, to help every individual reach her/his full potential. She has been honored to speak internationally on her work, including multiple TEDx talks, and has found her calling in helping others recognize the power of biological applications in their lives. Rebecca lives in South Carolina with her spoiled rotten dog named Bird, and tries every day to live her life motto: “spread happy.”
Diversity/Inclusion, #MeToo/Sexual harassment, Conscious living, Stress reduction/health, Motivation/Re-writing Subconscious Stories, Teamwork/Cooperation/Competition
$1000 flat fee or expense reimbursements with receipts